Live Forward's Pastor Eugene P. Todd Leadership Memorial Fund

Pastor Eugene P. Todd (August 1934-October 2018) was a driving force behind the birth of Live Forward. As the grandfather of our founder, he was always speaking life to him and telling him to live forward. "I never felt stuck in success or in struggle because he always told me to keep pressing, to keep moving forward," says Vernon, "he is why I haven't and won't quit."


Live Forward's Pastor Eugene P. Todd Leadership Memorial Fund is about helping to raise up GREAT leaders like Pastor Todd that will continue to live forward and lift the lives of others, in homes, churches, schools, in transformative service in and with community.


Because of who he was and what he was passionate about, and clear alignment with who Live Forward is, we are raising dollars in his honor to support individuals that seek to be or are involved in the following programs:


 Institute of Ministerial Studies in Lay Ministry at Denver Seminary (Learn more...)


Colorado Christian University College of Adult & Graduate Studies (Learn more....) *Education, Leadership, or other transformation majors or certifications*


University of Northern Colorado Center for Urban Education (Learn more....)

 *Education, Leadership, or other transformation majors or certifications*


Metropolitan State University of Denver (Learn more....)

*Education, Leadership, or other transformation majors or certifications*


Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) (Learn more....)


Emily Griffith GED program (Learn more...)


In addition to the above mentioned programs, we will be identifying like programs that serve individuals and community in his place of birth, Louisville, Kentucky. We will be publishing additional information as we move forward with establishing the application, guidelines, and dispersement windows. 


You can show your support by making a donation today. Help us to raise up GREAT leaders in honor of a GREAT leader that lived his life well, Pastor Eugene P. Todd.




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